Partner search Schleswig-Holstein

Singles in Schleswig-Holstein

Although its small size makes it one of the smallest German federal states, Schleswig-Holstein is perfectly suited for the search for a new partner. In 2010 there were 547,000 singles in their own households. In addition, Schleswig-Holstein offers a unique variety of landscapes between the rough dune coast of the North Sea with the Wattenmeer and the idyllic Baltic Sea on the other side of the country.

There is something for every romantic type. Apart from the natural backdrop, however, a few thousand years of exciting history have also left their mark, which contribute to a stimulating learning process. The Hanseatic City of Lübeck, for example, invites you to stroll along narrow alleyways in intimacy. The historic castles of Glücksburg and Ahrensburg as well as their romantic parks are also ideal for a trip for two.

Perhaps the new traummann (or the dream woman) stands on Vikings: In the old Wikingermetropole Haithabu the past of the country is alive and inspire already at the first meeting with the dream partner to a stimulating journey to unknown shores and into an exciting future immerses.

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